Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Finished Pottery Photos

 Here are the pictures of our completed pottery from our first session. I think they came out pretty good!

My wonky bowl done in Berry Rust glaze (the wonkiness is a little more noticeable now than before it was glazed). It is currently acting as our candy bowl in the kitchen.

K's bowl in Breaking Blue glaze

Side view of K's bowl with stripe detail

A's bowl in Yellow Salt glaze

K's big tray in Plum Chun glaze

K's medium tray in Berry Rust glaze

My tray in Celadon Blue glaze

K's short and wide cup in Sapphire Blue glaze (4" wide and 3" high)

A's medium tray in Flambe glaze

A's small tray in Ash glaze (Ash something, I forget the full name)

C's snake that miraculously survived the kiln intact (K's guinea pig wasn't so lucky and came out looking like a gummy bear after some obviously serious rebuilding by the studio staff). This snake has a cool, dark green glaze on it.

C's tray in Breaking Blue glaze

A's big tray in Laura's Turquoise glaze

A's short and wide cup in Hamada glaze (3 3/4" wide and 3" tall)

K's little tray in Temmolou (sp?) glaze

My surprisingly proportionate but still short cute little cup in Smokey Blue glaze (2 1/2" across x 3 1/2" high)

My tray I made for Mike in Plum Chun

And that completes our pottery from the 2+2+2 class. When we went in to pick up our pieces, we asked them about coming back again sometime. They mentioned that the next 6-week beginner's class was starting that evening (how coincidental!), so we ended up back there that same night for our first serious class. It didn't seem so tough in the short class - how hard could it be, right?

(Answer: very hard!)

More pottery pictures to come...

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