Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Ginger!

Today is Ginger's first birthday! Well, technically it's the day C picked last year as Ginger's birthday based on her estimated age when we got her, but good enough!

It's a little hard to know what exactly to do for a snake's birthday. The only gift I could think of to give her was a mouse (which worked out great since today was feeding day anyway), but wouldn't the mouse be more like the birthday cake? And then where would you put the candles? (Don't answer that!)

We skipped the frosting and the candles and just went ahead and gave her the mouse. I think she enjoyed it. For anyone who would like to watch Ginger enjoying her birthday present, here you go. If you're worried about furry trauma, you'll be glad to know that I skipped the striking and constricting part and stuck to the swallowing only, which is actually really cool to watch.

I also made the little girl a party hat, but she didn't cooperate very much. She doesn't quite have the right head for it, and she doesn't really stay still very well either. Our favorite shot was the last one. At least she knows how to party!

Happy 1st Birthday, Ginger!

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